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High School S.T.E.M Honor's ePortfolio

Introduction Letter

Dear reader,

This website contains my (Elliott Hager's) high school S.T.E.M honor's portfolio (Requirements). My area of focus is on software engineering, which I have learned about through the CCP program at Franklin University. Starting, I knew a small bit of Python, but now, I have learned so much as a computer scientist and software engineer. An extra portfolio is nested inside for a flex-credit course I took, Qubit x Quibit (QxQ) Intro to Quantum Computing. This course is the first course in the world that teaches high schoolers the basics of quantum computing and Qiskit. (In the navigation bar, labeled as "Quantum") There are four main areas: career, projects, an about me page, and a contact me page for questions. The career section will discuss my plans as I move closer to adulthood. College applications, what types of jobs I would be looking for, and my resume are included. The project section of the site will contain a few projects that I have done myself to show that I can apply the information and theories that I have learned in classes. The following languages are what I have learned: Python, Java, SQL, Assembly (Little Man Computer), and Qiskit. The about me section contains the lists of courses I have taken (HS and college), a basic description of me, and a picture of myself.

Elliott J Hager